Friday 19 December 2014

Building upon plans

As we lacked any sort of storyboard or scipt we just improvised most of the clip. When we got to Harry.E's house we were able to better visualise what we wanted to film for the clip. During this section of our clip we soon realised that this was not looking like a thriller, but I tried to assure the group that this was only the introduction to the film, some thrillers are not easily identifiable as thrillers in there opening minutes, for example a scene in 'Lost Highway' where the main character is in his luxury home which is very well lit and clean, the only indicator of the film's genre is the myserious doorbell.

Sunday 7 December 2014


Once we had decided our groups, Harry.E, Harry.S and I set out in deciding what we wanted to do with our two minute intro task. After a while of bouncing ideas off one another, Harry.E had an idea of a football hooligan thriller. As he described it more and more it started to sound better and better. The only issue was, 'How can we make this a thriller?' As far as planning went, we made a quick write up of the plot, characters, props and roles within the development of the clip. I nominated myself and Cinematographer as that is the field in which I have the most experience.

The following lesson (Wednesday) I was absent as I was at an open day and Lincoln Uni and I was disappointed to learn that no further planning had been made, such as a script or a storyboard meaning we were going into this blind and making it up as we went along.